Jamble Community

🛍 Buying on the marketplace

Find out more about the marketplace

The marketplace gives you access to the permanent selection of clothes handpicked by your favorite sellers. Browse the marketplace to explore our vast collection. Whether you use the tagging system, or the search tools, it’s the perfect place to find unique pieces and discover amazing resellers.

There are two ways to purchase listings on the marketplace. You can either directly buy the item at listed price or make an offer to the buyer to try and bargain down.

Please note that offers are binding - if it is accepted by the seller, a transaction will be generated and your payment will be taken. Sellers have up to 3 days to accept an offer. They can counter or simply refuse it if it doesn’t meet their expectations.

Message the seller if you need further information about the item you want to purchase. They will give you precious details to help you make a decision.

⚠️ Please be reminded that the seller always has the final say when it comes to pricing. Stay respectful and friendly when interacting and don’t spam the seller.

Bundle shipping is not currently supported on Jamble, but we are working on providing you with this option as soon as possible.

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