Live Shows are Jamble's unique feature. They are essentially live auctions, in which our sellers will showcase a curated clothing selection, giving the audience the chance to bid and win unique items.
Live Shows are designed to be as interactive as possible. Feel free to use the Chat to ask the seller anything you’d like about the items they’re selling. Shows are also great places to get to know other members of the community, hang out and share thrifting experiences.
Sellers usually upload their selection in advance, so if you want to check what will be auctioned during a Live Show, click on the live before its start. This will also give you the possibility to preview the selection and bookmark items you’re interested in by clicking on the small bell next to them.

To get notified when a Show starts, don’t forget to click on the bell icon on the Show overviews.

Please remain respectful and friendly when interacting with the sellers and other members of the community.
If you see something disturbing please use the reporting tools and help us keep Jamble safe.