Jamble Community

📨 Shipping policy

Find out more about shipping

Sellers do not pay for shipping. Buyers cover all shipping costs.

We generate a prepaid USPS shipping label for you to ship your order. Please use this label ONLY - shipping by your own means can lead to a cancellation of the sale.

There are two ways to find the label to ship your order.

In your email inbox - if you can’t find it, please check your spam folder and that you entered a correct email address on the Jamble App (Profile > Settings > Personal Information).

Notion image

You also find it directly in the app (Profile > Settings > My Transactions and select the sale).

Notion image

Once you have confirmed the order, you have up to 72 hours to ship it. Quick delivery is a great way to show buyers you care.

Shipping costs are calculated according to USPS guidelines. They are based on the weight and size of the item purchased as well as the location of both the buyer and the seller.

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