Jamble Community

🔖 Step 3: Add Inventory & Giveaways

3 easy ways to add listings to your Show

In order to make sales, you must add inventory to your Show. Also don’t forget to add giveaways to make your Live even more appealing

There are 3 ways to add listings to your Show:

  • Manually create listings
  • Import from Shop (compatible for items imported from Depop & Poshmark!)
  • Clone from previous Shows

Step-by-step guide:

1) Open your already scheduled Live show

2) Click the + button (bottom right corner)

3) Choose your preferred method to add listings to your Show:


Option #1 - Manually add listings

List an item from scratch by filling out the required fields:

  • Title - name of the product. Include any flaws in the title or description
  • Starting Bid Price - the price the auction starts at
  • Bidding Time - how long buyers have to bid. We recommend 20 seconds.
  • Weight - used to calculate shipping costs. Select the correct weight; you won't be able to change it once the item is sold.

All other fields are optional, but we highly recommend Product Photos with good lighting and simple backdrops.


Option #2 - Import from Shop (compatible with Depop & Poshmark)

You can also import any listings you have on your Shop:

  • Click the "Clone" button (top right corner)
  • Select "Import from Shop
  • Choose the items you want to import from your Shop. In particular, the items that you’ve imported from Depop & Poshmark will show.
  • You’re free to edit the listing information if needed (price, title, photos etc.)

Option #3 - Clone from previous Shows

Lastly, you can import listings from your previous shows - as long as they didn’t sell:

  • Select "Clone from Shows"
  • Choose the Show you want to clone listings from

4) Once you’ve added your items, Order your products - the exact order you set will be how you go live. You can move items around in the list to create the desired order.

Notion image

5) (Optional) - 🎁 Giveaways

  • While this is not required, it is recommended! Giveaways are a great way to increase attendance.
  • While you are not paid for a giveaway item (you’re offering it for free), shipping is free to both you and the winner - Jamble pays for the shipping.
  • To add an item as a Giveaway, simply switch the option from "Auction" to "Giveaway"

Remember to provide the necessary information for each item and consider offering Giveaways to increase attendance. Happy selling!

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